Thursday 1 May 2014

My Brecht Montage

Since we never performed our piece, below, you can watch my montage, and the script created by Sunaira can be viewed as well.


Wedding scam. The bride died.

Characters: Igor, Vladlenna, Valentina, Veronika


Act 1: Scene 1

Igor: Valentina, this bread is stale and hard

Valentina: Sorry, father. We do not have enough kopeks for flour and yeast to make more bread

Igor: The crops are failing, it is becoming harder and harder for me to provide for our family

Vladlenna: Father, we are going to starve

Valentina: We do not have enough flour and yeast stored to last the month

Igor: We need a new source of money. Veronika, come here.

Veronika: Yes, father?

Igor: How old are you?

Veronika: 16

Igor: You are of age to be married. We have no choice here. I cannot feed you girls; we do not have the kopeks to feed ourselves anymore. If you get married, I will have one less mouth to feed.

Veronika: No! Father, you cannot do this.

Vladlenna: Father, no. Please do not separate us. After mother passed away, we are the only ones there for each other

Valentina: What if she didn’t really get married?

Igor: What do you mean?

Veronika: A scam?

Vladlenna: No, Valentina, we mustn’t. We are honest people.

Veronika: Vladlenna, even honest people need to change their ways during harsh times

Act 1: Scene 2

Igor: So, all is set for our plan?

Veronika: Yes, father

Vladlenna: I’m not too sure about this, father

Igor: Hush yourself, we need this

Valentina: Make sure you look your best when you meet your groom to be

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