Sunday 4 May 2014

Blogologues: Find your own Material (Task 3)

This task consists of three possible sources of material for a Blogologue sketch, and the one I think would be the best to perform.

1. Doge


Doge is a popular Facebook page that displays various images of Shiba Inus (a dog breed), which originate from Japan. The pictures include various caption/phrases in different colours that are intentionally grammatically incorrect (or incorrect in spelling), and can sometimes be very hilarious for some people. A classic example would be:

We can compile the phrases to create a script, which would interest several people, as Doge has over 413k likes/followers. The key to successfully saying these phrases out-loud is to have ordinary facial expressions that are not very exaggerated, so that most of the attention is directed towards the words rather than the actions, and so the audience gets the whole, simple Doge appeal that can be seen in the pictures. I do not have many strengths as a performer, so using this blog would be of great help towards my lack of acting skills. I am not good at exaggerated facial expressions and actions, and I feel more comfortable with words. I, personally, am a huge fan of Doge and I actually laugh out loud sometimes while reading some of the things. This would keep me interested while rehearsing and would be easy for me to memorise the lines. It would be easy to come up with a storyline from the images, although it would be rather time consuming.

2. Cyanide and Happiness 


Cyanide and Happiness is a web-comics production that post various comic strips that are mainly aimed at teenagers and/or young adults. Some of the content contains bad language, however, this sometimes adds to the humour, which is why it is not aimed for kids. Below, is an example of one of their comic strips:

Similar to Doge, we can compile various comic strips in order to generate a script. This blog interests me a lot because I generally find the short stories really funny and relatable to teenage comedy that does not go too overboard. However, performing this would be a bit of a struggle for me, as these comics require exceptional acting skills, which I do not have. But, I feel that I am quite okay at playing roles that are a bit awkward or grumpy, as thats what I am generally like while performing. So if I pick a role that demonstrates these characteristics, it would be more feasible to produce a better sketch. I think this is a great source of material as they have several mini-stories, which can be arranged into one huge story.

3. Damn You Auto Correct! 

"Damn You Auto Correct!" is a famous website (and is also a Facebook page) that displays several images where auto correct corrects words somewhat incorrectly to the sender's intentions. The auto corrected words usually deliver a different message than what it was meant to be. For example, here is one auto correct fail:

They can range from different chatting platforms, such as WhatsApp, iMessage, BBM, and much more. These autocorrect fails can be extremely hilarious at times, which makes them worthwhile to read, and which is why I am interested in them. Adequate acting skills are required to express the right feelings while pretending to chat on stage because some of the fails can be really nasty, horrifying or hilarious. I feel that if I put in enough effort during practice lessons, I can easily improve my abilities as a performer. I think this is a good source of material because it is very relatable for a wide range of people and the content is generally very comedic.

The Chosen One

If I were to choose one of the blog/sites/pages from the three mentioned above, I would strongly pick "Doge", because, firstly, it plays to my advantage as the words speck for themselves over the actions (there are many actions but not many feelings need to be expressed), and secondly, it is very unique and will appeal to several people as it has become a trend of speaking.

However, it would be a bit complicated to stage this as a piece because we need to select appropriate images from "Doge's" Facebook page and compile them together to create an appropriate script and production. This will be extremely time consuming, but I feel it is worth the while.

The key concept of the piece would be daily activities and/or shenanigans presented in "Doge" language. For example, Doge riding a bike or playing the guitar. The brilliancy of this blog is that you can use as many people as you need. Essentially, there is only one character (i.e. Doge) but many other external influences can potentially and easily be added.

The staging would be quite simple, but various props would need to be used depending on the storyline. For example, if Doge is using a hula hoop , the cast member should be using a hula hoop.

The production elements that are required include: costumes, set, props, and lights. 

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