Saturday 10 May 2014

Blogologues: Production Roles

The production role that I have received is publicity. In the theatrical community, publicity plays an extremely important role as it attracts a wide audience. Some real life jobs related to publicity includes public relations, advertising, and marketing. Without publicity, a theatrical production would not make a profit, and would not have any large scaled recognition. 

My responsibilities include creating a poster portraying necessary information of our group's production, creating a performance program, and taking pictures and videos throughout the rehearsals for our production portfolio. Some traits that I will have to display includes being an inquirer and a communicator. I need to inquire about our own performance with the members of my group, and I need to communicate with the general population. My role will assist my group by publicizing our performance, giving the audience an overview of our performance and collecting evidence of our productivity. 

I feel that I am well-equipped to fulfill this role, as I enjoy making posters and I have thoroughly gone through the Love of 3 Oranges program. I also enjoy photography and compiling various images together. I need to learn about the essential elements needed for a performance program, and I need to work on different design ideas for posters and brochures. 

Priority List:

  • Titles of each blogologue sketch 
  • Cast members for each sketch
  • Production roles for each member
  • Duration of performance 
  • Photographic evidence of rehearsals

  • 17th May 2014- Production poster completed
  • 24th May 2014- Performance program completed
  • *Photographs/videos taken throughout the lessons

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