Wednesday 22 January 2014

Peer Evaluation

Peer: Ayat Rashid 

Blog Link:

I evaluated Ayat's blog as my peer evaluation. Her research was of a good quality and it was very basic. However there was one major drawback to her research; she mainly focused on costumes and trends from the 1880s while in reality, the play takes place in the 1870s. This will prove to be a problem when she faces the task of creating her costume renderings because clothing differed greatly during the 1870s and the 1880s. But despite that fact, she included a good number of pictures and generally described why she chose the pictures she chose. She talked about the different styles in the 1880s and chose her pictures accordingly. Another issue with her research is that she only cited one of the images that she picked. I feel that she could have focused more on children's clothing because that would give her a better idea of what kids wore back then, rather than women in generally. I think the pictures truly represented the different status classes during that era and what styles of clothing each class wore. Her rationales were sufficiently justified and were properly describing the styles and trends of that time period. Overall, the decisions she made were good except for the fact that she focused on the 1880s instead of the 1870s. 

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