Sunday 19 January 2014

Costume References

COSTUME Reference from Script
Page #
Research Task
“Small American schoolyard – Massachusetts in about 1871/2.”
Find pictures and descriptions of what kids would wear to school in this period.
“Costumes can be kept simple. Girls will need a period apron or pinafore over a longish dress or blouse and skirt. Boys can wear jeans and a suitable shirt. Although originally played with an all-girl cast, the casting can be a combination of boys and girls-though the parts of Lizzie and Rachel must be female”.
Search images of different styles of aprons, pinafores, dresses, blouses, skirts and shirts from the Victorian Era time period. Select appropriate images and using your own imagination, try to alter certain components.
“[Lizzie Speaking] The day they were killed I had on a blue dress…”
Find pictures of dresses that were worn in the Victorian Era.

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