Sunday 27 April 2014

Blogologues: Research (Task 1)

Blogologues is a sketch comedy show that uses online media and/or blog posts to create an entertaining performance. Their idea is that there is enough information online to support them and that voicing these everyday shenanigans will give Western society something to relate to. Most people who watched one of their shows commented saying that "it was like memes coming to life". Blogologues were created by Alison Goldberg and Jen Jamula in New York City, spring 2011. The main concept or philosophy of Blogologue performances is to incorporate comedic information from the internet into theatrical viewings. 

The first step the group undertakes is to search for information on the World Wide Web. Some sites that are helpful for them to use include Craigslist, Facebook pages, online dating sites, and much more. They then get permission from the authors of the posts/memes so that it is professionally possible for them to use this information. After doing so, they compile all the information for their particular story together to generate a feasible script. And then, they just need to rehearse and rehearse till they get it right. 

Some typical elements used in their productions include melodramatic acting, strong facial expressions, good articulation, clear voice projection, wild costumes, and so on. 

Groundbreaking. – Rachel Sklar, The co-founder, Silicon Alley 100
“A genius recontextualization [of the internet]. – Lauren Kaelin & Sophia Fraioli, co-founders, When Parents Text
“Performed expertly, with perfect comic timing and dedication.”— Show Business Weekly
“Blogologues proves that the internet and live theatre can live in harmony.” The Huffington Post
“Unrelenting laughter.” The Observer: Betabeat
“The best thing since the world wide web. – Lauren Leto, co-founder, Texts From Last Night
“For those who think that the Internet and theater can never co-exist, you need to get your asses down to Blogologues.” –Crushable

“Clearly, the best thing to do in New York City.” – Alli & Jen, Blogologues co-creators 

"Blogologues." L!VELY Productions . N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Apr. 2014. <>.
"Home - Blogologues." Blogologues. N.p., n.d. Web. 3 May 2014. <>.

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