Tuesday 18 March 2014

Production Proposal Reflection

The theme that my group has chosen that is reflected in the play "The Caucasian Chalk Circle" is betrayal. The issue that we are relating it to from modern society is forced marriage, as this is a common concern locally, and will increase our connection to the play. It will not be to hard to make the connection clear in a performance because the act itself has all the necessary information to portray the modern day issue. 

There are five distinctive characters in the scene that we have chosen to do. As we only have four group members, one of us needs to have a double role, and that is completely cool and doable. Sunaira is going to act as Grusha, who is the protagonist of the play. Mezba volunteered to play the role of both Lavrenti and Jussup. Ankita will play the role of Jussup's mother (who is hence the mother-in-law of Grusha), and I will play the role of Aniko, who is Lavrenti's wife (and hence, Grusha's sister-in-law). When we play our characters, we need to have clear and appropriate "gestus" choices in order to reflect our inspiration and us of a Brecht-ian play. Our actions need to be so clear that even a deaf person will be able to understand what is happening throughout the scene. Jussup is especially important for this, as he is pretending to be ill, when in reality, he isn't. His gestures and attitude need to demonstrate this false bodily state. Doing things such as not smiling and making his eyes sag while acting weak would work well. 

Each member in our group has chosen a different element of EPIC theatre. I have chosen montage, as I want to edit short clips. Mezba chose acting as his main element, as he is a great actor. Sunaira has chosen script writing/editing as she prefers working in that field of theatre and enjoys the process. And, Ankita 

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